How to Deal with Emergent Language

Дорогие преподаватели английского языка! Только сейчас у вас есть прекрасный шанс попасть на онлайн встречу нашего сообщества Teacher-Mentor Learning Community с приглашенным спикером. В этот раз мы планируем полуторачасовое мероприятие, которое пройдет на платформе зум. Этот семинар проводит Наташа Белоусова, опытный преподаватель и тренер. Регистрируйтесь на мероприятие, чтобы получить ссылку на зум и все материалы.

Иностранные языки 16+

How to deal with emergent language: a practical look

A focus on form is an essential part of any method and approach within the communicative paradigm. One of the best ways of doing it seems to be responding to emergent learner language. Based on data from published sources and the speaker’s experience, this workshop describes how teachers can work with emergent learner language using various techniques.

In this session, the participants will revise what emergent language is, look at a few principles which help select emergent language items to work with, explore different ways of recording emergent language, think about possible times of the lesson to intervene and learn a few strategies to deal with emergent language in class. The goal is for the participants to walk away with concrete ideas for their own classes.

Natasha Belousova has been teaching for about 20 years and training teachers since 2011. She has taught students of all levels in various teaching contexts, including university under-graduate and master’s courses, secondary and private language schools, as well as teaching online. She has also worked as a Director of Studies and as a senior member of the Russian National Exam board. After completing her Delta with IH London in 2010, Natasha has been teacher training a lot, working as an ICELT and TrinityCert trainer, and supervising Distance Delta teacher trainees for NILE. She has also been designing and running various courses for beginning and experienced teachers in Russia, Bangladesh, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Slovakia.

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388 дней назад
24 сентября 2023 10:00–11:30

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